Wednesday 4 February 2009

Kazan's Sketch 19 - 2S4U

Well, my little girl had the day off school yesterday because of the snow - I never had a day off school due to the snow when I was little and I'm sure we had more snow then? - anyway, she made a pirate card for a boy at school who invited her to his party (I haven't got a photo of that to show you as she tucked it into an envelope before I had time) and I made the following:

This was made using all Stampin Up! products some bits of which were sent to me by the lovely Joanne over at Mainly Flowers (I'm in her stampers 10 and she sends a little package to make a card with along with your order). I killed two birds with one stone here as it also covers Kazan's Sketch 19 - isn't it great when you can do two things at once!

This card was also made using items Joanne sent me, this time following her tutorial:

Isn't she clever! Thanks Joanne I had great fun making these.


Ewonne said...

wow!! They're gorgeous, the both of them ♥♥♥

~amy~ said...

FABulous them both!!!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous - love the colors, the flowers and how well made they are. Thanks so much for playing
PS Savitri posted how to do the comment linky thing..check out her blog just a few names up in the gallery :)

Anonymous said...

These are both beautiful! I love your clean & simple style!

cnelson said...

very pretty! love the stamping!

Lulu said...

Gorgeous! I love the layered flower on the first card :)

Christina Hill said...

Sweet take on Kazan's challenge.

Lea L. said...

Lovely cards! Great job with Kazan's sketch!


Stephanie said...

How lovely is Joanne?
Two lovely cards Steph - nice job :) x
BTW I agree with you about never having days off - even when the snow was 10 inches!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful cards !! But the first is my favorite !! Great colors !

Amarins said...

Great card and beautiful colours.

Julie Campbell said...

I love both of your cards! Thanks for playing along with the sketch challenge!!!